Series 2, Part 1 - "WOMEN, God's Gift Unto Man"

This is the word of the Lord since I started writing this blog by inspiration of the holy spirit. So many people have contacted the site one of the main problems they seem to have is either personal or corporate family problems. Husbands, boyfriends, or family problems. So I will begin the series concerning "Woman, God's Gift Unto a Man" but I will use the subject matter The Woman is The Gift From God & Must Be Handle with Special Care.

Genesis 1, We see God in his creative thinking. He said let us make man when he uses the phrase let us make man he's not talking about man as in man, but man as in mankind.

Genesis 1:26 says
"And God said, "Let us make man in our imager, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

So when God created Heaven & Earth God create Mankind to have dominion over everything in the Earth that he'd created. First point: The head of the household is neither male nor female, it's the office. When you start talking about the creative order of God. God created Heaven, and God created Earth. And he gave mankind dominion and access to Heaven and Earth. So that you are made up of two compositions, you're a spirit that lives in a body that possess a soul. God is spirit, and you are a spirit. But if you don't know God you're not going to be spiritual.

The word spiritual here means to be God conscious. To not just know God but understand how he thinks. That's why he said let that same mind be also Christ be in you. Thought it not robbery to be coequal with God. So God's concern was to create his first creative son and daughter. Which was Adam & Eve. How?

The majority of the people today have issues, when the bible said that the woman had an issue of blood and went to many doctors and spent all her money. It didn't just mean sickness in her blood but issues in life. Some people suffer because they have personal problems, somebody told them they were ugly, somebody told them they were, fat, no good, mistake. So they planted this seed in you and now you see yourself as a failure and felt like life has dealt you a dirty deal. You're struggling with issues in life you have personal issues, suffered low self-esteem. You saw your mom in an absusive relationship, so you're either an abuser or being abused. You were either molested by somebody your know somebody that was molested. These problems can easily be dealt with once you understand that every experience you have in life is to make you better, not bitter. If you're going to help other people, there's certain experience I must have. I am not a victim, I am a victor.

Genesis 2:18 says
"And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

Most women love men or try to find a mate for all the wrong reasons but yet god said let me design a help. Let's start with the word help. Anytime a woman meets a man that doesn't want to invest in your future, he's not the man. If he don't have money to treat you at least as well as you treat yourself. Then you already have a problem. This isn't conditional love, this is God's requirement for the beginning of time.

  1. The man is not better or greater than you.

So When God created man, the first thing he gave man was a job in the garden. God's qualification for a man. If a man can't take care of himself, he can't take care of you. I don't care how big his eyes are, how defined his muscles are, how he make your heart go pitter-patter, how good he smell, how pretty his hair is, he can smell like a cheap perfume factory. These are not the right qualities to look for.

Genesis 2:15 says
"And the Lord God tok the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

The lord told Adam to take care of what he'd just created for him. He said dress it and keep it, so God's plan for you is to give you a man that's willing to send you to school, buy your clothes, to house you, by buying you a home, and to invest in your dreams or your visions.

I am not saying it's not a two way street but the bible makes it plain that you as being a woman is a gift that God designed for a man. To better understand God's love, when God created Eve God created a help mate. Someone that would be worthy of praise, glory, and honor. It also means when God designed the woman for Adam. When a man finds his wife, or woman finds her husband it's God's way of expressing his love for the person through your husband or your wife.

Marriage isn't what you think it is. Marriage is God's way of bringing two seperate components that were both designed by God to become one. What the bible should say when a man finds his wife he finds the rest of his self. God wants to express his love for you so you're not a punching bag, I don't care how big or small you are. You're not roughround, seeds of embarrassment or defacement to be planted. You shouldn't hear "you're so fat you need to lose weight", "you look somebody beat you in the face with an ugly stick", "you sent your picture to the lonely horseclub and they sent it back." If a man is always talking down to you, that's not your man.

First of all you need to look in the mirror and say not only am I God's gift but he made me to be praised. I know I look good. Because God made you as a form of his glory the problem with most people is that somebody else has sowed the wrong seeds in their spirit. Some people are very attractive but have ugly ways. Some people are real nice and pleasant but they don't feel like they're attractive. Some people feel like I just look alright. When God made man he didn't make anything ugly, he didn't make any junk, so whatever state you're in right now is subject to change. If you feel like you've gained too much weight you can lose it. If you feel like you don't feel good as you look you can work towards changing. Find you a mirror and start saying I look good to me.

Second thing you have to do is fall in love with yourself. You will never love nobody else until you learn to love yourself. Having a man or a woman don't make you complete. That's why God said it's not good that a man should be alone. There's a difference between being alone and being lonely. If you're lonely you're suffering with a lack of self wealth. (Wealth, worth, value you don't see the equity that God put in you). So your resume male or female should be:

  1. Is this person intelligent?
  2. Does she/he have/keep a good job
  3. Can he/she be responsible or trusted?
  4. Does she/he have his own house or still living with his mom?
  5. What type of clothes does she/he like to wear?
  6. Where does she/he like to shop at?
  7. Do she/he has his own car os his moms car?
  8. How much experience does he/she have in relations with other women/men?
  9. DId she/he meet me after he just broke up with somebody else
  10. Did she/he use you to get yourself together

In other words when you met him did he bring another baggage from another relationship into your relationship. Something about the mind, every experience you have in life is recorded in your mind. Whether it's good, bad, or other. That's called a conscious mind, subconscious mind, and active mind. When a person has had a bad experience that whole experience is planted in they mind or psychi. Meaning that somebody hurt them, did them wrong, took advantage of them, if you look like that person the active mind will play out the whole event. Usually why most woman are bashful because they've suffered with low self esteem, they've been hurt, or molested.

  1. I need to see myself the way God sees me (not bundle of nerves, rejected project, but God's best)
  2. I need to understand that before I was born everything I was going to need in life whether inteliigence, social skills, physical ability, all these things God put in me. But it's up to me to develop them.

Excuse me for saying it like this most women will accept any kind of man because we they don't want to be by them self. If you have a child dont have that child thinking that child is going to hold a man because it wont. They're a lot of women who have babies by men but the man was in love with the woman, and she thought by having a baby. She'd be able to hold him.

When a man really loves you, he will love you and your children whther its one or 100. He wont call your kids stepkids, he'll love them like his own. He will make family time for you and your children. Even if he dont have a whole lot of money. He will take your kids somewhere even if its just to McDonalds or the park or riding to the water. He will show you concern and the same type of love he have for you, he'll express it towards your children. Women beware man meet you talk funny about your kids.... RUNNNN! You're setting yourself for hurt.

The greatest thing you can understand, your kids aren't bad they're just busy. Sometime its not having a male figure around to have develop them. Most women are most mama & papa. I can say this because I was raised by my mom. My dad died when I was 6 years old. I love my wife and my children, I have girls and I'm real funny about my girls, so you as being a woman need to watch what type of man you bring around your children especially if you have girls.

Don't go man hunting because you're tired of being by yourself. Realize when God chose Ruth he had a boaz for her. That's key, God won't put you with your body that'll come and live upon you, eat up your food, eat up your kid's food, don't have nothing to offer. That's bozo, that's not boaz. Boaz was the King that God reserved for Ruth.

  • Read the book of Ruth 1-5 Chapters.

Beauty is not in the eyes of the beholder. So woman right now there is somebody looking for you right now. Meat and potatoes. Sir somebody's looking at you right now with your shirt baldheaded self so beauty isn't measured by height or statue. Beauty is measured by designed quality of God that goes into people. So when God designed you he put the best qualities in you. You have the prettiest smile, nobody can walk like you can, you have a gift of gabb and can get along with anybody. Dont let the problems that other people have with you become your problems.

Stop tripping over people thats tripping over you. They may say you think you're something but let me tell you something you are something because God designed you and made you beautiful or handsome.


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